希拉斯(马索·曼恩 Method Man 饰)擅长用草药来医治各类疑难杂症,他的死党伊福瑞(Chuck Davis 饰)提议希拉斯可以去上大学学习医学,但对于朋友的建议,希拉斯一直没有放在心中。知道有一天,伊福瑞不幸去世,希拉斯用他的骨灰捣鼓出了一些诡异的种子,种植之后竟然长出了伊福瑞幼芽,直到这时,希拉斯才真的将考大学的念头放入了脑袋。...
本次联动总共五集,观看顺序如下 第一集Supergirl:Season 5 -Episode 9 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part One 第二集Batwoman :Season 1 -Episode 9Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two 第三集The Flash:Season 6 -Episode 9Crisis on ...
Every summer, teenage girls from across Missouri spend a week building a government from the ground up. Coming from different ends of the political and socioeconomic spectrum, they all share a passi...