故事发生在十字军东征时期,罗宾(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)身陷囹圄,带着两个狱友,罗宾杀死了警卫,成功越狱。途中,一个狱友不幸死去,临终时,他将遗物交给罗宾,托付他务必将此带给他的妹妹玛利亚(玛丽·伊丽莎白·马斯特兰托尼奥 Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio 饰),而另一位狱友亚森(摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)则成为了罗宾最坚定忠诚的战...
女巫Gothel(唐纳·墨菲 Donna Murphy 配音)靠着一朵神奇的金色花朵保持青春。王后重病,国王派人找到了这朵金花给王后治病,王后病愈,生下了一个一头金发的小女孩Rapunzel(曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore 配音)。女巫失去金花,却发现小公主的金发有 着同样的魔力,因此她偷走Rapunzel,把她关到森林中的一座没有楼梯高塔之上。
Constance works for an independent radio station where she broadcasts sound creations of political character. She lives with Eugene, an aspiring writer, voluntarily withdrawn from the outside world....
Claudie, a young French woman, inherits her uncle's property in Algeria, much to the disappointment of her scheming cousins Diane and Manuel. On the ferry she meets and falls for Pierre, an idle young...
This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampered by produ...
克里斯汀(诺拉•格雷格 Nora Gregor 饰)跟女仆杰西(安•梅因 Anne Mayen 饰)探讨了男女之间友谊的话题。二人意见相左,但克里斯汀坚信异性友谊。因为她确有一位蓝颜知己——飞行员朱利(罗兰德•陶腾 Roland Toutain 饰)。他因为完成了23小 时飞越大西洋的壮举,成为了国家英雄,并公开表示出对克里斯汀的感情。朱利的朋友奥克塔夫对此颇有微词,因此叮嘱他千万不要在聚会越界。...