When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, a group of close-knit friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a menacing, blood thirsty predator. Holed up in an isolated...
Ton and Jack are two students who're infamous for making video clips in which they challenge and even insult superstitious beliefs. As their viral clips rack up more and more views, they get carri...
斯皮尔伯格的制作公司Amblin电视推出一部新的外星人纪录剧《Encounters》,宣布今年9月27日在网飞上线。 Yon Motskin(《忽悠世代》)执导,该剧共四集,“聚焦四个遭遇异世界现象的不寻常的真实故事,都来自事发第一手经历:美国得州小镇上空的奇怪光线、威尔士小镇海岸的潜水飞行物、津巴布韦学校的孩子与外星人相遇、日本报道有非人类智力体干预核电站”。...
Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" which was sung on Christmas Eve with good wishes, became a worldwide hit thanks to American authors by the name of "Carol of the Bells". The film is...