一向以搞怪鬼马著称的范·怀尔德(乔纳森·本内特 Jonathan Bennett 饰)刚刚告别高中时代,步入大学。然而他所就读的大学可不简单,怀尔德祖辈几代人都曾在这所军校进修并创下了属于怀尔德家族的光荣,学校不仅军规森严,禁止一切舞会活动,更不巧的是,军校校长还曾是怀尔德父亲学生时代的死对头,一心想把当年的旧帐算到怀尔德头上。显然,一边要在这严肃的气氛下完成学业,一边要对抗校长和一群跟班的刁难,...
A Princess has her erotic vacation interrupted when a renegade alien force, led by her arch enemy, Aria, attacks Pleasure Planet. A quick escape lands her in even more hot water as the Princess and he...
Stuart is a having a mid-life crisis. Desperate for something more in life, he tags along on his best friend's family vacation to Paris - then proposes to his friend's 24-year-old daughter, Rosalind, ...
This is an interesting yet bizarre little tale of a fictional (as far as I know, anyway) experiment performed during the Stalin-controlled years in the USSR. The main character is changed from a woman...
露西(凯特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 饰)是一名活泼可爱的餐馆女招待,这样的女孩自然有着非常丰富的情史。然而,露西的每一段感情都无法顺利的走到最后,因为她有着一群非常严苛的亲戚,露西的每一任男友最终都是失败在了她的家人们的挑剔之下。 一次偶然中,露西邂逅了名为亚当(斯图尔特·汤森德 Stuart Townsend 饰)的男子,亚当英俊的外表很快就吸引了露西的注意,没过多久,两人就走到了一起...