Chicken People is a funny and uplifting look at the world of show chickens and the people who love them. Starting at the largest national poultry competition, likened to the Westminster Dog Show for...
The Cayman Islands. It is a Caribbean paradise of sun, sea and cocktails, but there is something else going on. Big money, big corporations... and seemingly no one paying a penny of tax. Now Jacque...
Plot Outline Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site......
Netflix宣布开发隔离题材限定剧《保持距离 Social Distance》,这部剧由《女子监狱 Orange Is the New Black Season》主创Jenji Kohan负责,灵感来源就是#新型冠状病毒#疫情下的隔离情况。 报导指这次拍摄模式比较创新,幕后会在线上指导演员,而演员则在自己家里进行拍摄,务求反映真实境况。 P.S:Social Distance指特意保持社交距...