《愤怒管理》(Anger Management)是前《好汉两个半》(Two And A Half Men)主演、好莱坞电视界收入最高的男演员Charlie Sheen离开《好汉两个半》后另起炉灶打造的新情景喜剧。Charlie Sheen最近表示,这将是他演出的最后一部电视剧,从此他不再涉足电视界。 在该剧中,Charlie Sheen扮演一个专攻「愤怒管理」领域的另类心理医生。他创办了一家...
David the filmmaker is 40 years old, but he still doesn't feel like a man - not a real man anyway. When his wife becomes pregnant with a boy, David's manhood insecurities deepen. How can he ...
Nova's examination or how thousands to terra cotta soldiers in Qin dynasty's terra cotta army were created digresses into reviews of Qin history and technology....