Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of prote...
科幻系列小说《真理之剑》(The Sword of Truth)曾经创下了全美销售量的白金记录,而由该系列的第一部《巫师第一守则》(Wizard's First Rule)改编的电视剧《探索者传说》(Legend of the Seeker)一经播出引起强烈的反响。该剧将在《指环王》三部曲拍摄的地点新西兰取景,讲述了男主角探索自身魔法力量的神秘之旅,并阻止残暴的统治者罪恶行径的故事。与...
Millions of people speak to God. What if God spoke back? Life just got a hell of a lot more confusing for teenage Joan Girardi, who already deals with feeling out of place in her family : her police...