In the 1930s a horror-comic artist's creations come alive and kill him. Years later a new cartoonist revives the creatures in his house, now part of an artist's colony....
In the near future, Norway is occupied by Russia on behalf of the European Union, due to the fact that the newly elected environmental friendly Norwegian government has stopped the all important oil...
这部带有超现实主义色彩的剧集以幽默、「天真」的视角来描绘当代年轻人(特别是纽约市的年轻人)的约会生活——真可谓酸甜苦辣咸五味俱全。所谓「超现实主义」,是指该剧把谈恋爱看做一件「生死攸关」(life-and-death stakes)的事情。这个项目根据Simon Rich撰写的畅销书《The Last Girlfriend On Earth》改编,Simon Rich亲自担任剧集创作人。年仅2...