一位名叫 Dr. Tsu 的外科医生,她拥有一座独特的岛屿,位于马尼拉海岸附近。她手下有一支由女性武术专家组成的性感军队,用来绑架世界上一些最伟大的运动员。由于她能够移植任何器官,因此她利用这些运动员的身体器官作为备用零件,出售给世界上最富有的人。同时,Lloyd's 保险公司派遣了一个名叫 Mike Harber 的调查员前往马尼拉调查一名海上壁球运动员的失踪案件。在调查过程中,Mike...
Giulio, a teenage boy lives with his father. He is in love with his mother, Agnese because her hands were the first to welcome him. He reminds the last weekend they spent together. She takes care but ...
電影一世紀,妖魔鬼怪亂銀幕也一世紀,從恐龍怪獸豆泥模型,到生動又恐怖特效化妝,到數碼特技革命搞怪搞得呼風喚雨,其實是人類借助千年神話,開發想像力的大功告成。想知怪物嚇人真相,兩個怪物頭號粉絲三年來孜孜走訪數十特效工作室,直擊傑出搞怪大師,《異形》《小魔怪》《未來戰士》《侏羅紀公園》《星河戰隊》等等怪物創作過程獨家披露,看創作者與怪物的激越關係,看怪物粉不離不棄old school 精神。巨大怪物情...
Aided by an ex-military officer, a young woman bees an unwitting fugitive after discovering that her son's catatonic state may be at the heart of a global conspiracy....
Following a very public fall from grace, country music star Faith Winters seeks refuge in her rural Texas hometown, where she rediscovers feelings for her high school sweetheart, the local pastor. But...