Cagefighter follows mixed martial arts champion Reiss (Herdman) who unexpectedly loses a heavily promoted match to Randy Stone, a WWE star who is making his crossover debut in the MMA fighting world...
A pilots pregnant wife is killed by a band of thugs who break into their home. The gang is caught and sent off to prison. Wanting to see that "justice" is done the pilot stages his own death...
At a summer camp for youths, cockey pre-teen calls out the name of mass serial killer "Madman Marz". Suddenly, counselors are being maimed and slaughtered in various ways by the backwoodsm...
Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contaminated currency worldwide: a thief steals contaminated notes in Italy; a Kosovo patient is infected in extreme surgeries; a Ge...
This documentary tells the story of the 1999 London bombings that targeted minority communities, and the race to find the far-right extremist behind them....