Upon arrival to Venus, cosmonauts find furious volcanoes and sundry prehistoric beasts in Klushantev's film, based on a novel by the Soviet sci-fi writer Aleksandr Kazantsev. Footage has been recycled...
Eight-month pregnant Sakshi must save herself and her unborn child from the evil within society and from the fear that lies in the paranormal world....
The movie chronicles the events of history's man of mystery, Rasputin. Although not quite historically accurate and little emphasis is put on the politics of the day, Rasputin's rise to power and even...
Looking for a quiet escape a couple rent an isolated lakeside cabin on the anniversary of their daughter's death. They soon find themselves wrapped in a terrifying mystery when a strange woman appears...
I’m not at all surprised Syfy decided to renew Haven for a new season, but there was a fun twist to this happy story. Normally when the re’s a twist it’s for the worst, but Syfy must www. aiyoutv.com ...