瑟古德·马歇尔是第一位担任美国最高法院大法官的非裔美国人,他从1967年开始在最高法院服务、直到1991年退休为止;在任此职之前,马歇尔担任「全国有色人种协进会」(NAACP)的律师,协助1954年废除种族隔离政策的案件 -「布朗控诉投陴卡教育局案」(Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas) - 赢得胜诉;他终其一生都致力于运用法律争取公民权和社...
Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character build...
As the team tries to decipher Lotor's plan for the comet, Coran gives the Paladins a history lesson about the origins of Voltron and the ongoing war....