The series follows the ups and downs of third-generation restaurateur BOB (H. Jon Benjamin), who runs Bob's Burgers with the help of his wife and their three kids. Bob and his unpredictable family hav...
They Might be Giants chronicles the adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in modern-day New York City. The fact that Sherlock Holmes is a psychotic paranoid and Dr. Watson is a female psychiatr...
A man, Joseph, loses his wife at sea, then spirals deep into a world of confusion. The wife's brothers' need revenge! Joseph tries to tell anyone who will listen that a whale killed his beautiful Anna...
杰斯(阿什顿•库彻 Ashton Kutcher 饰)和切斯特(西恩•威廉•斯科特 Seann William Scott 饰)这对儿好友从一夜宿醉中醒来,他们发现家里堆积着陌生人和布丁小山,两人的双胞胎女友家里也被他们搞的一团糟,对昨夜完全失忆的两人为弥补过失,匆匆出门收拾残局赶赴女友家庆祝拍拖一周年,然而他们出门时发现:车不见了。 杰斯和切斯特的寻车经历俨然是一场冒险,抽大麻的狗、向他们追讨...
Bipedalism, or 'two-footed walking', is the story of a painter who grew up in an orphanage and only years later learns the circumstances of his father's disappearance and death. Childhood memories bri...
A middle-aged underachieving van driver, Jay (Randy Nazarian), is assigned to drive an irascible senior, Harry (Raymond J. Barry), to a new home. Along the way they have a series of misadventures, inc...