Meet an annoying French prankster from the Middle Ages, witness bizarre Aztec food on Historical Masterchef, see what happens when Queen Elizabeth I needs the toilet, and learn how not to impress a wo...
When a woman is found in a cage brutally murdered, Karppi and Nurmi focus on learning everything they can about the victim - and her troubled
A legendary dog trainer believes he can transform Marmaduke from an undisciplined, but lovable dog, into the first Great Dane to win the World Dog Championship....
The community that was exploited by the town's influential man, who completely rules due to the powerful backing of the authorities. A man collects evidence to flip him upside down when he was helples...
当外交手段失效,唯有不择手段。在新的一集里,著名嘻哈组合Naughty By Nature其中一员Treach主演探员尼尔肖恩,他的任务是设法阻止北韩恐怖份子得到游戏。但任务并非想象那么简单,肖恩为救其线人(花花公子模特儿李善喜),不惜以身犯险,最终被诬陷为杀人犯。成为通辑犯的肖恩,带着新丁搭档和神秘的线人,他不得不使出浑身解数,找遍韩国每寸地方,希望在恐怖份子破坏联合国和平高峰会之前,把他们一网...